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Case Study: University of South Australia & Synergy IQ

Creating an internationally competitive workforce.

case study_aged care Hero-min

The Problem

Confronted with a sprawling national team and fresh government mandates post-Royal Commission, the organisation faced the dual challenge of adapting to new standards and managing staff overwhelmed by change.

The Approach

In hands-on workshops that engaged staff across Australia, SynergylQ led a culture shift, embedding new values and behaviors into the organisation. A multifaceted engagement strategy was deployed, utilizing both digital and in-person channels to support staff and develop leadership teams with clear behavior expectations.

The Outcomes

The outcome was a more cohesive and responsive team, empowered by
'Living Values' resources and training programs. Leaders became skilled culture champions, and with the aid of internal change resources, the organisation maintained momentum, ensuring that transformations were woven into daily operations.


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